Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Answers For ACT Reading Practice

If you are my English 92 students in Professor Maltzman's class, below are the answers to the practice reading. As you know by now, do not check the answers on your own. Have someone else check your answers. They should put an X next to your wrong answer choices and put a check mark next to your correct answer choices. When they give you back your test, you should re-read the reading and try again. (Make sure you know the main point of the article in addition to all the other important points in the reading.

If you are not my student, feel free to email me at for an ACT Reading Practice Test.

Answers for "Session#13 Packet#21"

1.B, 2.E, 3.C, 4.C, 5.D, 6.D, 7.A, 8.A, 9.B, 10.A, 11.E, 12.A, 13.A, 14.D,
15.D, 16.B, 17.C, 18.B, 19.C, 20.A, 21.B, 22.E, 23.B, 24.C, 25.D, 26.C,
27.E, 28.A

Answers for "24 Question Test 2"
1.B, 2.D, 3.E, 4.D, 5.D, 6.A, 7.D, 8.A, 9.G, 10.C, 11.F, 12.A, 13.F, 14.C,
15.J, 16.B, 17.F, 18.C, 19.A, 20.C, 21.C, 22.D, 23.C, 24.B

Answers for "Packet #10"
1.A, 2.H, 3.B, 4.G, 5.B, 6.J, 7.C, 8.F, 9.D, 10.G, 11.B, 12.J, 13.C, 14.J, 15.B, 16.J, 17.A, 18.F, 19.D, 20.H, 21.B, 22.J, 23.A, 24.H, 25.D, 26.H, 27.A, 28.J, 29.A, 30.J, 31.D, 32.G, 33.A, 34.G, 35.A, 36.J, 37.A, 38.H, 39.A, 40.H

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Copyright: © 2008. This document is the sole property of Amadeo Constanzo. You may use this article for free on your web site, blog, or other publication if and only if you include this entire copyright notice including the following links and statement. Other free teachings from Amadeo Constanzo can be found at and

Shu Chan 陳樹中 Terence Chan LIU

Terence Chan LIU Long Island University

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

ACT Writing, MySpace, and FaceBook

To my students and to all students taking the CUNY ACT Writing Exam,

I recommend that you read articles from:


Many of you are unfamiliar with education and community issues in the ACT Writing prompts. These articles will familiarize you with community and education issues and will help you tremendously with CUNY ACT W. Many of your writing skills are already up there, but you really need to familiarize yourself with education issues.

By the way, some of you were asking me about my blog on MySpace and my FaceBook account. You can find me at:

Copyright: © 2008. This document is the sole property of Amadeo Constanzo. You may use this article for free on your web site, blog, or other publication if and only if you include this entire copyright notice including the following links and statement. Other free teachings from Amadeo Constanzo can be found at and

Shu Chan 陳樹中 Terence Chan LIU

Terence Chan LIU Long Island University

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Health Search Engine For Writing Your Paper

Are you writing a paper in health, nutrition, or medicine? The general Google search may produce listings from unreliable resources. Below is a reliable and simple search engine (powered by Google, but it's customized) that you can use. This search engine searches only through web sites of reliable health and medical information.

Copyright: © 2008. This document is the sole property of Amadeo Constanzo. You may use this article for free on your web site, blog, or other publication if and only if you include this entire copyright notice including the following links and statement. Other free teachings from Amadeo Constanzo can be found at and

Shu Chan 陳樹中 Terence Chan LIU

Terence Chan LIU Long Island University

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

ACT Reading Exam Approach and Practice

This lesson has been updated.  For the newer lessons, please go to:

For academic lessons of other subjects, feel free to go to:

Feel free to follow our SpirFit Facebook group at

Feel free to choose the “Subscribe” options on the right side of this page.

Keywords: pointers, ESL, English, , CUNY, Kingsborough, Hunter, Baruch, CCNY, Queensborough, Brooklyn College, BMCC, 
ESL exercises, English, rephrasing, revisiing an essay,, Kingsborough, Hunter, Baruch, CCNY, Queensborough, Brooklyn College, ACT Reading, approach, protocol

Monday, November 10, 2008

CUNY ACT Writing Exam Material (Part 1)

The content of this entry has been removed because the ACT Writing exam has changed. It is now known as the CATW exam. For information and practice exercises for the new CATW implemented in the Fall 2010 semester, go to:

Friday, October 31, 2008

Strategies to Improve Your Reading

Your reading ability is one of your most important abilities. For most decent jobs out there, good reading skills are crucial. A lawyer has to read hundreds of pages of legal documents per day. Doctors and researchers have to read scientific literature. Have you ever tried reading scientific or medical journal articles. They are definitely not the easiest type of reading. My point is: improving your reading skills is crucial in furthering your academic and professional career.

Below, I've provided a list of reading techniques. Practice these techniques in English labs or in your own time. They are not meant to be used last minute for a test, but they are to be practiced over a period of time. Experiment and observe what works. You may need to adjust or revise these techniques according to your individuality. After you practice and experiment enough, your reading abilities will improve which will be very useful for the rest of your college years and your career.

1. If there are reading questions, quickly read the questions once. (If they are multiple choice questions, do not read the answer choices. Read only the questions.
2. Survey or scan: Quickly read the first sentence of each paragraph and read the last paragraph.
3. Read to obtain in-depth understanding of everything the author is trying to communicate to you, the reader. Use your finger to guide you along the page. “Don’t feel you have to rush.” (Stanley D. Frank)
4. As you are reading, annotate (or mark up the reading).
There are many ways to annotate depending on what works for you. One of the simplest ways is to “sum up” each paragraph or section with a sentence or phrase on the left or right margin of the reading passage, in addition to underlining the IMPORTANT points.
If this reading is for a test, you should read it a second time and a third time (at least).
5. Write the main point of the reading in one sentence.
6. Summarize the reading. (A good summary includes all the important points, beginning with the main point of the entire reading. It will leave out the insignificant details. A good summary is as brief as possible but includes ALL the IMPORTANT POINTS).
Note: It is very probable for an English departmental final exam (in CUNY) to have a question asking you to summarize the reading.

Additional tips:
Before reading. Take a few deep breaths and enter a relaxed (yet focused and alert) state. Eliminate any fear, doubt, or worries. Know that you are intelligent and can easily understand the reading completely.

Copyright: © 2008. This document is the sole property of Amadeo Constanzo. You may use this article for free on your web site, blog, or other publication if and only if you include this entire copyright notice including the following links and statement. Other free teachings from Amadeo Constanzo can be found at and

Shu Chan 陳樹中 Terence Chan LIU

Terence Chan LIU Long Island University